Saturday, October 31, 2009



Friday, October 30, 2009

harvest festival

ok i miss my guy friends at valley like heck :(
cody and rhett and kyler... awww i just love them. and miss them! i had so much fun with them tonight. they are all my little cuties. hugs hugs and more hugs... laughs laughs and more laughs! :) oh and had a blast with ally bree and my babe bailey. love them all to death. i miss my cody and rhett and bailey!!! <3

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

my hubby

Ok the divorce of me and zac is official now. and me and justin have gottin married. <3 love ya hubby! sorry zacky poo! i just moved on, we still can be friends! justin poo i love u!!!! ur oh so amazingly hot....and make my world go round! the way you sing gives me chills! <3 love ya to death hubby!
lol ;)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

love me :)

watch this.

your turn to tell me what to post.

So i have this idea... all of you who read my blog comment on this and tell me what you are dying to know about me?
it can be any random thing.... personal even (i wont answer if to personal).... something u just want to know.
feel free to comment and ask. and i will make a post all about answering your questions!

feeling sick.

so for the last 4 days, it basically all started on sunday. i got sick! with a cold/sore throat. and i went to school monday i toughed it out. and on tuesday (today) i just couldn't do it. i needed to stay home. so i did! and i am feeling better. oh sickness how i hate you!

Friday, October 23, 2009

where the wild things are.

I saw this movie a week ago, and ever since have been thinking about it constantly. Even though it is very strange and hard to relate to. I related. The sweetness and harshness towards to little boy, every minute life changes for him! he will be the ignored child....the king...the heart broken....the boy who try's, but can never do right....the boy that's loved....the boy that's hated. all so confusing for this little boy, and yet he is so complete and fine with himself. where the wild things are definitely is a movie worth watching.

shall we fly!

Let's fly together shall we?
no one telling us who we are, what to do, what we feel. just 100% us. flying through the sky holding hands. what a feeling flying in the sky with you :)
shall we?? i think we shall....

Thursday, October 22, 2009


please pray.....
cried at school today.

Monday, October 19, 2009

simply the cutest night ever,

tonight was monday which means Bible study!
it was simply the cutest night because all we did was talk about boys with 5 girls and lisa. so much fun! and giggled our heads off. me and anna wow.... we were crazy tonight.
we also made none gossiping bracelets. yay for no gossiping lol! :)
so it was just simply a cute night over all!
i love my Bible study girls!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


it feels like no one cares.

copy and paste some of these :)

strange text

i sent apryll this text

ur a lemon with watermelon ears.... and bears like to sing you songs.... and you live in a p-nut butter village. ohhh what now?

haha im so weird :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

pretty please!

please love me... im giving you my heart.... but you only notice her....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

the old her.

i miss how she used to be. i miss the friend that was there for me, and told me everything. i miss the girl that laughed with me and didn't ditch me or do things behind my back! she doesn't even notice how mean she's being. i miss how she used to be.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


no one comments on my posts :(


please copy and paste this... see my loves new music!!
love you husband <3

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

peek a boo!

peek a boo!
i love you!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


football game... GO LA HABRA
uncle with fam and apryll
mall with apryll
sleep over with apryll (my little piggy)
haha <3


A girl should get so lost in God, that a guy has to seek God to find her!

posting apryll SHOCKER!

apryll posts now. so check her blog out!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


one of the best days i've had in junior high.
nick made my life even more funnier. I laughed so hard my face turned red and couldn't breath. me and maddie were like spazzing out. lol!
elsas and emmas dance is the definition of precious.
The jr.high guy leaders rocked it out. truly amazing!
haha lucas <3 huh huh maddie he is fine? :P
and then after that me anna adrina and linnea hungout and spazzed out some jerkin and hawk clap (which i can't do) lol.... and did my anna thing with her SHHHHH! haha ily u girlies!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

everything skit

Please copy and paste this video. It's worth your time, and watching it.
Made a difference in my life!
I cried so hard at pure impact on this video (a different version)

go for it!

Go for any dream you have, Nothing is impossible with the help from God.

Philippians 4:13… “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

Psalm 34:17… “The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles.”

true peace can only be found in God.

You can only find true peace in God. I always seem to look some where else to find comfort like friends, family, food, music, dance but in reality you can only find true peace in God.
what do you tend to try and find peace in?


haha i love how everyone my age feels like they know it all. (including me, sometimes) but it just makes me crack up. I mean we can't me matture can we? lol

my poem

so apryll gave me some random words to make a poem out of them so here goes nothing..

I love to eat bananas, while wearing my bandana.

you can find my heart at k-mart.

i love the look of rainbows, i am so lamo

I eat the food that comes out of my stove, that i choice.

I love my boot's, they've got the cutes.

I love my soft blanket, while i am wearing makeup.

I love flowers, they bring such power.

I love my big teddy bear, i really do care.

Cherry's look marry!

wow I'm so weird.
Did you like my poem?

Monday, October 5, 2009

precious things!

something that always makes me smile and is precious is-
when your friends give you little encouraging notes
when some one comes up to you and gives you a compliment
whens some one says there praying for you
when you feel sad and a friend stops there day just to make you feel better
when some one skips with me
when i am dancing crazy with a friend and both of us don't care what others think
when i sit in performance choir and get told you have a beautiful voice
when my mom always takes time out of her night to come and tell me she loves me
when i can't stop giggling with a friend
when i get this bubbly feeling in my stomach because something great just happened
when i ride a roller coaster and feel that tickle in my tummy
when my dad says he cares
when my uncle makes me laugh so hard
when Christmas rolls around... and the holiday season is precious just in itself
when i paint, or write something i'm really proud of
when i hear whitneys laugh
so much more is precious in this world, but these are a few precious things that bring a smile to my face!


life is stressful crazy and rough.
prayer is something i really need right now :)
Love you all.
(maddie thanks for always being there for me)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

pure impact

pure impact=amazing, cried twice!
really made me think about stuff, and realize how stupid i am!
very very good. for sure made me want to live a more pure and pleasing life for God


This is the reality of our world
but it's not even real what there doing.
wow... what this world thinks is beauty. we all need to open our eyes and really see what's going on around us.

Friday, October 2, 2009

a good day

today was just a good day in general
school was good, had fun with hannah and anna like always
visited my uncle who has come down for 2 weeks. Ate some good mexican food with him, and some good laughs
not to much homewrok... so that just makes my day anyways.
pure impact tomorrow :)

what are you all doing this weekend?

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I just am in love with glee :)
Do any of you like it?
I want to sing just like Rachel.
I love the songs
take a bow
don't stop believin'
bust the windows
somebody to love.... all copy's of the original song. But i like how glee sings them way more.


school- is tiring, i hate all this stupid homework..... friends are all good :)
dance- is getting more challenging
life in general- family is fine... some drama happened last night :( but whatever.
my fav drink is officially peach tea YUM :)
I'm so excited for pure impact, it should be really good <3
lalalala i love glee :)


Don't just read the words.... Put them into action.