Sunday, September 27, 2009


I loved fame!!!! and i loved seeing it with apryll! :) and the most embarrassing thing happend to me there. so i was running up the staris and i had this BIG slurpie and i tripped and half of the slurpie went down my shirt. so the hole movie i had this sticky stuff all over me and was freezing. But i loved the movie oh so much! It made me fall in love with dancing even more!


Nathan said...

hahahaha..... that is so so so so funny!!!!!!

hopeless romantic said...

someone on dancing with the stars is in it.

Jennalee said...

i know that emily haha! and how is this funny nathan?

I LO<3 YOU! said...

oh jennalee good times good times!! that was the funnies thing in the WORLD!!! yeah i liked the movie!

TheMickeyBug said...

awww Jen. haha! I could see that happening xD