Tuesday, September 29, 2009

speed zone

speed zone was fun! I love the drag races best :)
good day!
i can't wait until wednesday night :)

Monday, September 28, 2009


speed zone is tomorrow. :)
can't wait it should be really fun.
I'll post about it later!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


She thought she'd explode with the intensity of love, but that's what love is like. Wild and possessing, making one nearly burst with excitment and desire-being being both sweet and cruel at the same time. that's what love is.


I loved fame!!!! and i loved seeing it with apryll! :) and the most embarrassing thing happend to me there. so i was running up the staris and i had this BIG slurpie and i tripped and half of the slurpie went down my shirt. so the hole movie i had this sticky stuff all over me and was freezing. But i loved the movie oh so much! It made me fall in love with dancing even more!


please comment. i feel like everyone hates me! :(

best day of church

best day of church by far. dancing and yelling to the worship songs with maddie. cracking our heads off.
maddie marrrrinnnnnn bahahha tooo funnnayyy girlie! :)
haha the memories we create in church.
oh and btw maddie "you have sparkling eyes, it's SICK" haha!
love u maddie marrrrinnnnn!

Friday, September 25, 2009

rain drops.

If rain drops were flowers.
I'd send you rain showers.


The power of God is in you. You just half to let it out.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


school is good. Way to much homework though. 8th grade is hard. Friends are going pretty good. A lot of interesting stuff has happend these past few weeks. Some special, some cool, some sad, and some stressful.
Just looking for this weekend to come so i can possibly hangout with "them"
Dance is fun. but hard.
Life is good, some stuff isn't but over all it's ok!
Loving my bestie anna! She's so great supporting me through whatever i need help with. I hate people that act like ur friend and then they talk about u behind there back don't you?
comment :)


:) Dance is for sure hard. Considering i am dancing with girls that have been dancing for 3-6 years. But i am loving. I like being challenged. I have a feeling when i get everything down i'll be much better. :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

justin bieber <3

justin justin justin justin justin
bieber bieber bieber bieber bieber!


I wanna hold you hand <3
(good song)



Sunday, September 20, 2009


<3 i think im falling for you <3

amazing sand art


check it out.
It's amazing!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

six flags

was soooooo busy!! sheesh!!!
haha i am like really good friends with gavin now. haha!
only got to go obn 4 rides since it was freakin packed.
but it was really fun
but hotttttttttttttt!

Friday, September 18, 2009


God see's you when you lie, when you cheat, when you gossip, he hears what you think. He watches you do something mean, he watches your mouth move and say "i hate her/him." He sees your every move. He see's your all sins. So whenever you think no one is watching.... GOD IS!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


omg i am LOVING dance.
i am doing ballet and jazz right now
ballet i got put in a higher level and am doing ok keeping up with all these girls that have dance for 3 years or so...
jazz i LOVE IT <3>
i might be doing
lyrical (when i have enough ballet training)
and hip hop
apryll and i dance together (but she's amazing and so beautiful when she dances! i think im doing pretty good for never dancing in my life. haha i'm loving it! :)
i know how to do the slits in the air. almost kinda not really got my slits down on the ground. doing ok at balancing in ballet (haha i need to learn how to stick in my butt in that class)
apryll said i was doing really good for a first timer.
oh and u can sign up anytime u want so if any of u wanna dance you totally can sign up now and start class a little late.
ugh homework i hate it
and schools going good.
performance choir omg i love it!
im a little tinny big soar from dance,
we had to do push ups, sit ups, crunches, touch your elbows to the floor, all that crazy stuff!
Six flags saturday!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

ummmm yeah

dance with apryll. yay aprylls doing dance this year with me and we have the same class'! omg i cant wait. <3>
starting out with just ballet and jazz
then later in the year prob do lyrical and hip hop!
i am going to six flags on saturday with church! 3 8th grade girls, and a bunch of 7th graders girls. It should be pretty fun though.
I'm loving heights. Loving anna and hannah we are always writing little notes to each other and laughing all the time. :) yay good friends!
also super excited to see apryll ann miller (prylla, marsh mallow, bestie) tomorrow FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 3 WEEKS! finally she's back! <3
then on friday gonna maybe go see cloudy with a chance of meat balls. it look so interesting... and like a movie me and prylla would watch lol! <3
love you all!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

falling in love

ok justin bieber i love him
everytime i hear his voice i get butterflys
respects every girl
so so perfectly sweet and humble
he's an angel
and he's the hottest thing ever
like really theres no better guy!
i've been watching his youtube videos for the past hour. omg i am in love with this dude <3 he's almost getting up there with zac! WOW
that hasn't happend in basically 3 years.
<3 justin drew bieber <3
my guy!

the stage

I was meant to be on stage.
I live for the stage.
my passion!

Monday, September 14, 2009

besties forever!

i love these 2 girls.
hannah and anna <3
besties at church and school!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

my true friends.

i think no matter what i'll always have apryll and samantha as good friends.
apryll-we've been friends since we've met each other. so many memories flood my head when i think of you. i have always been able to trust you no matter what. even though we have had are hard times, (which all true friends have) we will always be besties! your so beautiful even if you don't think so. YOU ARE! you are so Godly, if i ever need some 1 to go to for Godly advice i'd go straight to you. You always make me smile and laugh. Your full of energy and can't stop having fun! :) even if i'm having a hard day you bring a smile to my face! We have so much in common, and yet were so opposite. we've been friends since 3rd grade. and we still are. and we always will be! <3
sammy- i love you. we've been best friends since i can remember! If it wasn't for that one day at the park we would have never became best friends! praise God for that park. but we have had our scared at that park (might i say) you are so amazingly friendly. We've have gone through A LOT with each other. We've changed so much as people. but we have changed together! you have had an amazingly influence on me. I can always trust you with everything. we always laugh together. and we have so many good memories! :) your so pretty sam. i am jealous ;) i love you and will always love you! <3

Saturday, September 12, 2009


my blog i am still trying to find that perfect look... so forgive me if it looks bad!

stand out

i will not blend in! no longer will i be trapped in that wall. I'm standing out.


my binder for school!
everyone on it
apryll-2 pics
onalee- 1 pic
maddie-3 pics
hannah m-2 pics
anna-2 pics
bree- 4 pics
natalie-2 pics
grayce-2 pics
maggie- 2 pics
samantha-1 pic

Friday, September 11, 2009

**sing a long**

music is my life
i breath it.
makes me stay alive!

super hero

if you were a super hero what power would you like to have??? It can basically be anything you want it to be.

i would choice
shape shifting
and time control.

plus more stuff haha!

olive in a garden :P

in love with olive garden! ;)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

comment comment and some more comments

ok come on people lets get those comments going again :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


hopefully this year i'm going to find one true bestie :)



first day of school!

went really slow.... but it was good! anna and i have the same homeroom YESSS! :) and when we did the magazine thing we couldn't stop laughing... like we were laughing for no freakin reason haha! and hannah omg she's such a sweetie! i love them!!!! locker ugh.... class' BORING..... i cant wait to start performance choir! :)



first day of school is like in 30-45 minutes.... this is insane! I have so much butterfly's! I can't wait. i didn't think i was going to be nervous but guess what i kinda am.... so yeah! But i am way more excited then nervous.... wow this is insane 8th grader baby!!! after this year is high school....sheesh time fly's! so super excited. i can't believe its actually here!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

rachel zoe

I love rachel zoe!
i watch her show all the time!
she's so fabulous!
amazing taste!
love her name like rachel zoe such a awesome name!
omg her red carpet dress'! AMAZING! haha
i love rachel zoe!
but she is really to skinny haha!


schools tomorrow. I'm feeling
yeah so i have like all these opposite emotions... so very mixed feelings lol!

ps who is going tonight?

Monday, September 7, 2009

My loves

My loves!

zac efron, lucas till, justin bieber, and sterling knight!
aren't they hot?

tell me!

ok so i changed my blog... as you can tell! But i wanna get what you think!
do you like white?
or black?
or do you not even give a crap?
or there both even?
tell me!

post ideas

Does anyone want me to post about something? Or have any ideas that you have about a post that you would like me to do?

I'm at a blank for posting....... hmmmmmm.....

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Haha this is random! But i love this dress. like its so fabulous!!! haha. i would totally wear this on the red carpet. I'm sorry i have a strange taste you prob wouldn't like it but i do! :)

Do you like it?


i can't believe school starts on wednesday!!
sooooo sooooon!!!
ahhhhhh new school super excited super nervous.
omg wednesday wow summer flew by so super fast!

that mountain!

When i can't climb that mountain anymore God climbs it for me.

best friend!

A best friend is always there for you no matter what! The one that isn't the same as you but you have so many similarities! A best friend is the one that will lift you up when your about to fall. Laugh with! Cry with! Celebrate with! Some one that will always be there for you no matter what! the best friend isn't always the one you spend the most time with, a best friend is the one you can count on for anything. Once a best friend always a best friend!

Who's your best friend?

Saturday, September 5, 2009


ok i used to get comments all the time.... now i have no one freakin comments!! so please comment people!

**music is my passion**

I've never loved anything more then music!

music is in my blood!!!!


Life is full of questions! i have so many. some answered. most not. i just wish sometimes life could be simple! boy would that be great not having any questions of why or who or what. hmmmmmmm that would be peaceful. but thats not how is works.

whats your biggest question in life?

Friday, September 4, 2009


so today volleyball
swam at annas with maddie and hannah..... super fun, love them :) flips and some more flips
kylers party swimming more...... im burnt bad :(
yeah so it was a fun day!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

things i love

ok so maddie gave me this idea seeing her what i love thing i wanna do something like that.... but not as my header!! lol so here is goes.....
laughing, smile, swing sets, fresh out of the oven p-nut butter cookies, the sound of rain, dancing in the rain, dancing randomly, making people laugh, singing praise songs, inside jokes, strawberries covered in chocolate, waves, sand between my toes, piggy back rides, trampolines, chewing gum, the tickle you get on a roller coaster, writing, sleep overs, a good chick flick with popcorn, swimming, tennis, peace signs, writing with chalk, dressing up, crazy make up, staying up late, water fights, long talks with people, writing notes, making crazy faces, hanging around my cousins, riding on a motorcycle, toe touches into the pool, doing flips into pools, pastas, inspirational movies, art work, pictures, taking pictures, finger painting, flowers, clear blue sky's, sun shine, fruit, pinkberry, reading blogs, blogging, puppies, starbucks, italian food, making dancing videos, hangouts with apryll, friends that i've basically known since like 3rd grade, good sportsmanship, giggles, my church, my best friends, camp fires, disney land, black and white things, colored paper, bubbles, picnics, roses, skipping, zac efron, singing, drama, broadway plays, pearls, diamonds, the color deep purple, olive garden, apple and cherry pie, ice cream cake, hot coco, foot prints in the sand, wedding cake designing, Knotts (where my brother works), chicken noodle soup cralling down your throat, junie b. jones books, having the giggles, recess, sitting under a tree, drinking lemonade, sun sets, mountain dew, love storys, my grandmas cooking, rainbow, little kids and many more! :)

do you like any of these?


wish me luck volleyball camp this week only for 2 days though and tryouts three days at the 3 beginning days of school! ahhhh i hope i can make j.v.!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

blue lighting

tonight was a great opening realm night i loved it! :)

blue lighting chhhhh ckkkkkkkkaaaa chhhhh!!!!! haha!!!

my sisters keeper

saddest movie ever. i balled! Such an amazing movie though! Wow it hit my heart hard!!! <3

R.I.P cancer patients that haven't made it!

i treasure my life that God has given me so kindly!

us four

i love hannah morris, maddie martin, and anna wilson! Im so glad were all so close! i cant wait for heights us four yay <3

on my mind

maybe i didn't treat you, quite as good as i should have!
maybe i didn't love you, quite as often as i could have!
Little i should have said and done, i have just never took the time!
But you were always on my mind!
You were always on my mind!
maybe i didnt hold you, all those lonely lonely times!
and i guess i never told you, i'm so happy that your mine!
if i made you feel 2nd list, girl i'm sorry i was blind!
But you were always on my mind!
You were always on my mind!
tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn't died!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


i miss samantha and apryll
my true friends........
never ditch me or leave me out, care about my feelings, and are always there for each other! <3


k seriously!!! like do some people not see that im alive???? like really im here and i have feelings!!! honestly!! come on now!!! really freakin stupid heads haha....... like are you trying to make me piss cuz its working haha!! some people just dont get it!!!

michelle quinto!

i love her!! we had so much fun today!!!
took a walk with her baby sister and brother
sang you got a friend in me and abc's with them (it was so cute)
johnny and i have an inside joke (even though he's like 4 haha) whooooopppppsieeees!! awww so fun!
played with water and got soaked
talked (it was a very good talk)
did make up like the joker so creeeeepy. I scared myself haha
we had so much were hanging out tomorrow gonna go see my sisters keeper hang at my house and go to opening wed night REALM BABY!! cant wait :)
i love michelle!



