Wednesday, August 12, 2009

a roller coster!

so on tuesday night i went to aprylls house to spend the night with samantha!!! but there was some drama before that but gladly we moved on!!! but still there was a little drama here and there at aprylls but not much, then after all that crap haha sammy wammy marsh mellow and i did a fashion show for mrs.miller! which i was super silly and fun!!! haha!!! "somebody call 911" haha!!! i love you 2!!! so we went to bed at like 2 (better then our other sleep overs when we would fall a sleep at 4) but anyways... it was so fun so we woke up at 11 chilled, ate spagettie then corey morgan and landon came over and we played jail loL!!! so that was fun then i went over to sams becuase apryll had to go and babysit haha! So sam and i took a ton of pics, talked about life :'( i love sam, but then we had to go to the dentist and i had to wait alone a hour in a dentist office hearing drills!!!! it was such a great time NOT!! but haha it was all right cuz when sam got out we took pics again and listened to music like we always do loL!!! then after that mc donalds came and ate burgers fries and lemonade!!! yum!!! then i went home and now i am exhausted and i have testing for heights tomorrow for 3 hours straight ughhhhhh!!! :'( but i'll live and i am prob babysitting tomorrow with apryll!!!!

love you all!!!
(and known of u comment anymore) tear tear.......

1 comment:

maddie. said...

good luck tomorrow.