Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pickles and Honey

so marshmellow (apryll) and i hungout yesturday and i spend the night!!! it was so much fun! :) we took pics we ate pink berry laughed our heads off and had one of the best inside jokes ever i'll tell you it but you wont get it,

i remember the good old days when apryll and i would walk to the pick store and buy honey!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! sorry you wouldn't get it even if we told you about it, had to be there!!! omg to funny! haha!!!

but anyways after that we watched high school musical three and i ended up kissing the t.v. screen when zac efron came on lol! so after that me and apryll stayed up until 4 omg soooo tired and woke up at 12:40 lol were such freaks!! haha!!! over all it was an amazing time with my girl marshmellow!


Apryll said...

omg mr.pickle man!!! lol!!! that was so so funny and fun!!!!!!!! we are going to have to do that again sometime and invite sam!

Jennalee said...

oh heck yes!! i miss sleeping over with sammy wammy!! that was like one the of the best nights ever!! <333