Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Wenezzzzzday with madzzzz! :P

so... today i went over to maddies house and talked and hungout! :) then me and her went to CVS and got make up :) Then we had some rite aid ice cream yum! lolz..... and then took piczzz and wasted time! haha! Oh and then the amazing cute PUPPIES CAME! omg i loveeeee themmmmmm :)))))) <33333333333 I just love them so much there to cute :)))) <333xoxoxoxo Oh i have pics of them (which by the way you should check out on facebook) Ok so then after that we went to deep end with the church.... me and maddie and emily taylor didn't swim (they had good reasons) but i just didnt swim for no reason lolz! But i had funnnn :)

So anyways what did you do wed?

Tennis tomorrow at 8am ugh but its funnn!

And then tomorrow bree bree my bestie is spending the night and then on friday going to the beach with some church friends and bree bree!! :) love that girl! Can't wait! super excited!


maddie. said...

haha thanks for the comment on my SeXy mascara! haha..
and i know! that was so fun with emily haha,, those darn starburst. and cant wait till beach dayyyy.

p.s. ill tell you when we name "ur" puppy :D

oh and mines officialy moofasa!

Jennalee said...

haha well it was sexy lolz!!!!! Ur always looking good :) i know i can't wait for the beach soooooo funnnn! <3 haha i cant catch those in my mouth for my life lolz!!!

Oh name it something super cute <33333

oh haha thats sooooo cute :)