Sunday, July 19, 2009


Sometimes i just want to go away from the world i want to wonder in my imagination.... go places.... exsplore new things....dream bigger then ever....imagine life as a brand new thing.... sore across skys....climb mountains that never end.... swim in dreamy cold sunsets then fall asleep right as they go down.... dream under be different... in my imagination anything is possible.... any color, light, smile, jump, flight is possible... i want to go to my imagination... and all day just wonder in my imagination!


maddie. said...

wouldnt that be an amazing day? i would love that :)

Jennalee said...

i know i want to go in my imagination so bad.... i am so weird that just came randomly to me lolz! were would u go first madzz?<3

Savannah said...

I would go straight to London. But then again I will be there soon enough. I would sit in a beautiful field of flowers in the moutians of Austria. :)(But I'll probably do that one day too :-) )

Jennalee said...

wow how cool savannah! that would be so amazingly pretty!!!!!

maddie. said...

well my impagination is crazy, i would be so many places believe me back t o russia withthe kids back to the prettiest serine beach on earth,too the real place where they shot sound of music, to a place where i can fly, a place where there are no worries,,, SO MANY MORE! haha :p donchya love imagining things?!

Jennalee said...

yes i think our imaginations our such an amazing gift from God!!!!<3333

Apryll said...

they are suck an amazing thing from God!!!!!! I don't know how i would live without my imagination!!!!!!!! I think the 1st place i would go to would be chicago cause my sister and brother in law and there 4 children but i will be going there soon witch i am so HAPPY about!!! ( i think this is the most i have commented in my life lol) Love you Jennalee i hope your life is full of GREAT imaginations that GOD gave to you to share to others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jennalee said...

haha wow apryll i am shocked you actually wrote a long very meaningfull comment! wow good for you! I must have rubed off on ya lol!!! haha u to girlie!

Apryll said...

lol i think you have rubed off on me!

Jennalee said...

haha in a good way right?