Sunday, February 28, 2010

magic-colbie caillat

"you've got magic inside your fingers tips. it leaking all over my skin. every time i get close to you, you're making me weep with the way you look through the eyes. all i see is your face. all i need is your touch. wake me up with your lips. your calling me from up above. oh i need you. i remember the way that you move, you dance easily through my dreams. it's hitting me harder and harder with all your smiles. you are crazy gentle in the way you kiss. all i see is your face, all i need is your touch. wake me up with your lips. calling me up from above. oh baby i need you. see me the way i see you. love me me the way you get in the middle of my dreams."
just a precious song, makes me in such a happy moodd :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010


"I want to feel you, i need to hear you. You are the light...thats leading me. To the place where i find peace again. You are the strength that keeps me walking. YOu are the hope that keeps me trusting. You are the light to my soul, you are my purpose your everything. And how can i stand here with You? and be moved by you...
you calm the storms..and u give me rest...u hold me in your wont let me fall. you steal my heart, and you take my breath away. would you take me in? take me deeper now. "
-lifehouse :)
so moving, this song goes a long to the everything skit which makes me ball every time i see it.
God your so amazing, i can't even believe how comoforting you are to you give me a sense of peace when everything around me is going crazy. thank you so much... i can't even imagine my life without you in it.
God your so amazing... i can't even describe how much im in love with you.

ohh snap 350th post :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

His love endures forever

"Give thanks to the Lord our God and king...his love endures forever..for He is good, he is above all things. His love endures forever..sing praise! sing praise! with a mighty hand..and out streched arm..his love endures forever. for the life thats been reborn..his love endures forever. sing praise..sing praise... sing praise... Forever God is with faithful, forever God is strong, forever God is with us...forever..forever...! "

God your so amazing..and I can't imagine my life without you. Your love is non-ending..and you are all powerful! Thank you so much for being that one person that listens, and lifts me up when I'm down... your so amazing... and i can't even put into words out much I'm on fire for you Lord.
Thank you God for putting friends in my life that will always be there.
Thank you God for giving me trials so i can grow closer to you
Plese help all those girls or boys out there who feel the need to put others down to make themselves feel good, when they really can just have a relationship with you and wont need to talk about others.

Monday, February 22, 2010

this song i wrote in study hall

He's got that smile tht makes my heart sing..yeah!
And i can't believe this is happening to me!
Cause he's got the look
He's got the heart
what else could i ask for?
He likes me, i like him
thats the end of this story.

Cause he's my prince charming
and I never wanna leave him NO NO!
cause when the phone calls I always know it's him.

He's got me caught up in him (repeat)

With his old sneakers and torn up jeans he looks just fine to me, just fine to me.

I can't go on without him,
without him I'd cry.
Cause he's got my heart.
And i've got his.

This is to good for reality.
It must be a dream...
thist just must be a dream. cause i can't help myself, he's all i need.

did ya like it?
and don't freak out this isn't about someone specific.... just thought the lyrics were cute. thats all, i swear. :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

oh today

oh today gavin michelle apryll and brett all hangout today.. likeforever. right after church head off to the whit wood mall for a few hours..then go to michelles house and then take this amazingly wonderful hike...oh joy every time i think about what happened i get all bubbly!
love u guys..
such a good day,,, never will forget it..

Saturday, February 20, 2010

all for you

all that pain i go through..yeah i basically do it all just for you.
you make me smile, and you make my heart break.
both ways.
the promises you've broke, the laughs we've had.
all in the past.
but we can make new plans for the future can't we? :)
well we'll just see..., me, we!

as you enter my heart, i enter yours. as you look me in the eyes, i look into yours. as you walk by my side, i walk by yours. as you trust me, i trust you. as i see the beauty in you, you see the beauty in me. you complete me, i complete you. you laugh, i laugh. you cry, i cry. you whisper in my ear, i whisper back in yours. you sing me a song, i sing you one. you stare, i stare back.
you breath, i breath, we breath. you hug, i hug, we hug. you smile, i smile, we smile. i run, you follow. you run, i go after you. you hurt, i hurt, we hurt.
can't you see it's meant to be?
please stay by me, cause i'll stay by you, we'll stay by each other!

Friday, February 19, 2010


aren't we the cutest??
so today 2/19/10
apryll ann miller and i hungout.
and took quite amazing pictures as you can see :)
and well i missed her oh so much. we haven't hungout in forever.
and it was a day full of pictures spaghettie music and a video :)
love ya.

oh and sonora testing is tomorrow, ahhh
pray i make it in!!!
no seriously please pray. I suck at testing!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


"I'm not superman, I can take your hand. And fly you anyway you wanna go. I can read your mind, like a billboard sign. And tell you everything you wanna hear. But i'll be your hero. Cause i, i can be everything you need. if your the one for gravity i'll be unstoppable. I, yeah i believe in destiny i might be an ordinary guy without his soul. But if your the one for me, then i'll be your hero."
-sterling knight
I know it's weird that i like a song by him. But what the heck. It's actually good

Sunday, February 14, 2010


L is for the way you look at me, O is for the only i see, V is very very extra ordinary, E is even more then anyone that you adore.


How great is our God?

There's so much beauty in life, I don't know how God came up with all of it. It can be the biggest thing... to a building way up in the sky, to a couple holding hands in the snow. equally beautiful! It can be a mountain soaring over everything, to an apple looking as ripe and red as ever. God has the most brilliant mind ever. He created humans, to the complexity of our body's to our complexity of emotions flowing through our veins. What a God, who created all this amazing stuff. The waves in an ocean how they crash against the sand, to a baby taking it's first steps. What beautiful things God has put in our lives. Thank you Lord for being the most amazing inspiring person in my life. Without you i would have no reason to live.
Just like how You shined Your light into my life, I will share that light with the world.

single awareness day!

I hope your life is full of love and laughter
this year i have a very special valentine,

Saturday, February 13, 2010

God, fill up my life!

Lately I've been thinking, and I was thinking about how recently i haven't needed all this extra stuff in my life like gossip and drama, because God is really filling all those empty parts in my life. I use to gossip sometimes (not that often), but recently i've been stopping everyone when they start and i've been feeling like what's the need to build people down? I mean God made all this glorious stuff for us to enjoy, he made us to love him and show His light to others. And we return Him in gossip?? I don't quite understand why girls gossip, i mean i understand they want to feel better about themselves but can't you build yourself up by doing things you love and being around people you love? I mean honestly I'm kind of sick of gossip and how people hate each other so much. It bugs me a lot actually. I mean i recently found out i've been gossiped about, and these girls don't even know me that well. and who are they to say things like that. But it's ok cause God forgave them and so will I.
Thank you God for coming into my heart and showing me i don't need pointless gossip. and thank you God for filling my life with people I love and inspire me to do better, and thank you God for the talents you've given me...such as, singing and dancing and being able to make friends easily. I am so thankful you put smiling and laughter into the world. and Music too. Your an awesome God, and i will never ever forget that.

oh and by the way i will not be doing anymore quotes. I'm a tad bored with them.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


"untouchable like a distant diamond sky. I'm reaching out, and i just can't tell you why. I'm caught you, I'm caught up in you. Untouchable burning brighter then the sun. and when your close i feel like coming undone. In the middle of the night when im in the this dream, its like a million little starts spelling out your name. come on, come on say that we'll be together. come on, come on little taste of heaven.
It's half full... and i wont wait here all day. And i know your saying that you'll be here anyway. but your untouchable burning brighter then the sun. And now that your close i feel like coming undone. in the middle of the night in this dream, it's like a million little starts spelling out your name. come on, come on say that we'll be together. come on, come on little taste of heaven.
In the middle of the night we could find this dream, i wanna feel you by my side standing next to me. you gotta come on come on, say that we'll be together...come on come on little taste of
I'm caught up in you."
-taylor swift

"tonight you can turn your worries to God, and have a good night's sleep. You've been worrying too much about the future lately. So tonight, go ahead, put your faith in God, and just have a peaceful evening and a restful sleep."
-God quote

"Well you drive me crazy half the time the other half I´m only trying to let you know. That what I feel is true and I'm only me when I'm with you"
-taylor swift quote