Wednesday, December 30, 2009

just some delightful sayings

love is when you plan to be mad at him, but when he smiles at you and tells you your pretty...every defense you had built up is gone...

you had me at hello<3

they say Disney world is "the happiest place on earth" well i guess they've never been in your arms

if i had a penny for every time i thought about you i'd be a millionaire

"All I think about is how to make you think of me and everything that we could be..."

heading off to 2010

your smile made my week, your laugh made my month, your sweetness made my year, our friendship made my life <3

"You' have got a smile that could light up this whole town, I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down..."

Sunday, December 27, 2009

keep holding on

"Your not alone, together we stand! I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand! When it gets cold...and it feels like the end. there's not place to go, you know i wont give in! No i wont give in! Keep holding on! Cause you know we'll make it through...make it through! just stay strong.... just stay strong! cause you know I'm here for you, here for you! Nothing you can say, nothing you can do, there's no other way when it comes to the truth! So keep holding on...cause you know we'll make it through..make it through!

"You got your share of secrets and I’m tired of being last to know..."

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

this is what i do bored at 1am!

some poems for your delight

wish you were here
to hug me while I'm cold
to sing me to sleep
to hold my hand when I'm scared
to kiss me in the rain
to hold me whenever and wherever
to laugh with me in joy
to cry with me in pain and sorrow
but it's just a dream

I'm sick of you and your...
heart breaking
cocky self
So i really want to hate you.
My heart just can't lie, cause it truly loves you

I know those things others don't
you play piano secretly, but you don't tell anyone cause you don't want to be made fun of
you pretend to be macho and tough, when really you come home and cry
you write poetry, but don't tell anyone cause you don't want to be thought of as girlie
i know you.....
those other girls don't even have a clue what there getting into

your in charge of my heart
you basically make it beat
tare it apart
build it up
make it feel joy
make it angry
your in charge of my heart.
so do what you please, just try and not hurt me

i guess you loved all 50 of those girls.
am i one of them to add to the list?
the ones you use for your plessure!
Cause i thought i was a different girl to you, you even told me so
but now i realize this was all a game for you

Can you see me?
Am i alive to you?
cause i feel like I'm riding in the back of your mind
when i really should be in the front
when you see me do red lights go flashing off, cause you know you made a mistake...and lost the girl of your life?
so you treat my pain by forgetting all about me
that's not what i had in mind

So this is love?
I never thought it would feel like this
wanting him, but knowing he see's the other girls
and I'm the invisible one.
we had something, something real
but you let go of our chances
now here am i beaten down. and bruised
all because of you
so this is love?

"My heart has never felt this way before,Im looking through your eyes..."

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Little did i know you would sweep me off my would make my dreams become reality...that you would make my heart feel new emotions...make my laugh have real joy behind to it... look at you and literally feel pain in my heart...little did i know you were the one i couldn't forget...little did i know that i would want to hate you, but just can't....that you would make my heart skip a beat when you smiled...have dreams in the middle of the night about us laying under the stars you loving me...little did i know your hug would make me feel protected...little did i know one single boy could do this to me!

'See you make your way through the crowd and say hello,little did I know that you were Romeo"

Saturday, December 19, 2009


do what makes you happy
be with who makes you smile
laugh as much as you breathe
love as long as you live

"You can tell me that you’re sorry but I don’t believe you baby like I did before..You’re not sorry"

Friday, December 18, 2009

love...please just kill me now!

Love isn't something you can touch...yet when you hug him the world seems is whats keeps us going...Without love...God wouldn't have died on the cross for us...Oh love the emotion burning inside everyones heart...trying to peek through every chance you get...yet your stuck, he hurts her.... can't love just be simple? but no...just like everything else in my life love is one of the hardest things to live with....loving someone is wanting the best for them even if your not included in that! Yet you know what you can be with each other...yet he doesn't see it! all he see's is her...and not me! story of my life! all i can see in my head is your smile...oh that smile and that laugh...make my heart skip a beat! the way you look at me...even when i pretend i don't know your just makes my heart jump up and down! I try to hide my joy and hopes...yet it just seems to seek through! so he loves me...he loves me not!

"You saw me there, but never knew I would give it all up to be a part of this, a part of you..."

Thursday, December 17, 2009


ok so today went to knots all day (our school performed all the music ppl did there) and it was such a good everytime i go to a theme park i always get closer to someone...haha!! this time it was ADAM AND JULIA AND ABBY! love them haha....adam is just the most hilarious person ever...and julia are just besties...and abby is just pure amazing haha...anyways such a good day :D wish i could relive every minute of it <333>

"Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone,I keep waiting for you but you never come"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

a true man would think of this!

he gave her 12 roses, 11 real ones one fake and said "i'll love you until the last rose dies" ♥

"No one knows that you cry but you don't tell anyone that you might not be the golden one and you're tied together with a smile but you're coming undone..."

Monday, December 14, 2009

just some sayings

don't fall in love...fall of a bridge it hurts less!

i didn't fall for just simply tripped me!

i wish you were here so i didn't half to talk to myself.

i love you so much...that even though you love her.....i still don't want to see you hurt.

dear heart i met a good luck! xoxo

i like him, he likes her, story of my life.

please don't let me become invisible

all i want for Christmas is for him to notice i exist

liked what it was, hate what it is, love what it could have been

real love stories don't have endings

i can let got.... i can forgive....i can move on.....but i'll never stop loving you!

what can i say? we'll always be friends!

I'm pretty sure this is the cutest picture on the planet...would you agree? =)

"When you're fifteen feeling like there's nothing to figure out.. Count to ten, take it in, this is life before you know who you're gonna be"

Sunday, December 13, 2009

forever and always <3

"once upon a time..i believe it was a tuesday when i caught your eye...we caught onto something...i hold onto the night. you look me in the eye and told me you loved me....were you just kidding? cause it seems to me...this thing is breaking down, we almost never speak! i dont feel welcome anymore....what happened baby please tell me? cause for a second it was perfect, now your half way out the door."

"If you and I are a story that never gets told, if what you are is a daydream I'll never get to hold at least you'll know You're beautiful, every little piece love. Don't you know, you're really gonna be someone? Ask anyone"

Saturday, December 12, 2009

sure i do! but.....

yeah i talk to other guys,
i laugh with other guys,
i hug other guys,
but none of them will ever mean as much to me as you do

"Hey Stephen, boy you might have me believing I don't always have to be alone"

ordinary day! <3

"just day...just a ordinary day! just trying to get by! just a boy...just an ordinary boy! but he was looking to the sky! and has he asked if i would come along...i started to realize! that everyday i find just what he's lookin for. like a shooting star, he's shines! he says take my hand....lend while you can!! though you feel in dreams i ride in the palm of your hand."


"Hold on, baby you're losing it. The water's high, you're jumping into it and letting go..."

the real definition of best friend.

Best friends....usually people think of a best friend as the one you spend the most time with. that isn't always the case though. a true best friend is someone you tell everything to....and know 100% that they wont judge you for what you say and do....a best friend is the one you come to when your crying....the one you want to be around when you feel crappy...the one you love hugging and laughing with...the one you understand and relate to the most...the one who treasures you and you treasure them in your heart... a best friend is the one that will stick by your side...not the one you spend the most time with.... all i know is that you don't find many of these people in your life. so once you find one keep and hold on to them...and treasure them in your heart. the definition of best friend: not the one you call your best friend...but the one you can trust no matter what it is. <3

"You can walk away and say we don't need this but there's something in your eyes says we can beat this"

Friday, December 11, 2009

lazer tagging

fun fun fun fun night :D
maddie and me first of all spent not only the hole night together, the hole day as well :) i love her by the way...
ok so the bus ride home was the BEST.....willaferd bahahahah oh my goodness best insider ever :D loved it so much...haha oh goodness!
and then when me and madz were at the lazer tag place...these 2 stalker dudes...did not let us out of their sight...i mean they were FREAKY!!! haha...i mean they followed us...and i am not gonna tell ya the rest lol!
anyways other then feeling sick and being stalked it was a very fun night full of laughs :)

oh and i thought i might let you know....that from now on i'll prob be putting a random taylor swift quote at the end of almost every post haha

"I looked into you in the eyes thought I knew you for a minute, now I’m not so sure..."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

amen... i love taylor swift

"You just see right through me But if you only knew me. We could be a beautiful miracle unbelievable instead of just invisible"

"This thing is breaking down we almost never speak, I don’t feel welcome anymore. Baby what happened please tell me? Cause one second it was perfect, now you’re halfway out the door"

its like she reads my mind...then puts my thoughts into a song.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

waiting for a change

wish you were here. Cause i fee like I'm giving love to no one. Here am I standing waiting for you....gonna give you all i have. yet you take your time, instead of running that race. Come on...I'm waiting. oh love...what it does.

so i guess its just me for now...waiting for you to change!

another poem of mine

I walk through this world
without a clue
then you came along
and you made sense
just who you are
and just who i am
WE made sense
we DID,
but you ruined our chances

my heart beats

my heart beats
little by little i walk this road
without you.
my heart beats
because of you
you were there
but no,
you just couldn't have stayed
could you?
now my heart beats just to see you.

"Could have loved you all my life if you hadn’t left me waiting in the cold"

Monday, December 7, 2009


ok so tonight was the funnest Bible study ever <333333 we made lisa fall to the floor of laughter :D totally the best...oh and me and hannah morris are now officially sisters haha... i love my 8th grade girlie Bible study<3333 best night full of laughter and more laughter :D

Friday, December 4, 2009

fairy tail

your my fairy tail! no one can ever stop me from running to you. your my prince charming...that will never change. your always hopping in my mind and dancing in my thoughts.... tip toes to the next step :) you'll be my'll be my life... you'll be! you wear love on your sleeve...pretty soon i'll be stealing that sleeve<3

Thursday, December 3, 2009


your my biggest dream. so make take those dreams and make them become reality.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

a friendship meant to last :)

ok so apryll did the sweetest blog post i have ever seen in my was about us being besties and 10 random facts about us. so i am gonna do some more random facts

1. so apryll and i always fighting about something (because were secretly sisters i think) lol..... but its always about the littlest things....thats how well we know each when she shows off or when she hits me....or when i change my mind 24/7 she hates when i say the little comments... lol! but we always put away those little things and hang tight no matter what.

2. i can't even explain how much we've been through for friends. i mean i can't describe it....through all the fights and drama....and crazyness in our lives.... we have managed to stay closer then ever.

3. the best time of the year with apryll is summer.... we usually sleep over together every night...and go to the beach all the time...its the best <3 i miss it so much.

4. i don't think i've cried in front of any other friend except apryll...i mean thats saying a lot (cause i am always crying) but i have cried A LOT in front of her.... she is so used to it by now she just laughs when im balling on a!

5. apryll and i are so opposite but at the same time we are like the same people. she is tough...i break easily....she doesnt cry at all....i cry 24/7...she cares for perfection in dance...yet i dont....i care about perfection in singing and yet she doesnt.... its kinda insane how different we are...and yet we still are super duper close

6. I have never had a friend like apryll.... i have never been so close to a friend in my life. i mean at the end of the day i know she'll be the one friend that will never ditch me or hurt me.

7. we always seem to do the weirdest things around each other....we have tea partys.... (were such little kids) we dress up... we put on shows and fashion shows.... we make up random songs and dances.... we have SO MANY inside jokes (its insane) such as.... push man.... chin saying..... our laughs (pig and duck) lol....the list goes on!

8. i hate how she plays soccer 24/7...she hates how i am always doing something....

9. apryll and i prob look the most different out of any best friends... except for our eyes.... but omg we look opposite its kinda funny! i mean shes tall.... blond thick hair....brown thin hair.... i get pimples none stop.... she never gets any kind of pimple....she has braces...i have never had them.... she loves to play soccer...i like to sing.... i learn lyrics like in 2 seconds...she takes forever.... <3

10. matter of a fact we will be friends matter what. i love my lil piggy<333

oh and she also hates when i text none stop lol! :P (what can i say so many ppl text me jk jk ;)

<333 love u apryll ann miller <333